Here’s Everything You Need To Know About An Essential Oil Diffuser

An essential oil diffuser will single handedly make your home smell like heaven, especially when used with well scented essential oils like Lavender, Peppermint, Eucalyptus etc.

The aromatherapy technology device not only makes your room smell like a spa but also purifies the air, help support your respiratory health, help to reduce airborne germs and also help to reduce unpleasant odors making breathing easier for you, which in turn helps promote your health and overall well-being. So therefore, this article comprises all you need to know about essential oil diffusers including precautionary measures to be taken while using them.

What Is an Essential Oil Diffuser.

Essential Oil Diffuser.

An essential oil diffuser is an aromatherapy technology device that breaks essential oils down into small molecules, spreading them into the air for pleasant and calming effect, which medicinally improve the health of the body, mind, spirit and also enhances both physical and emotional health, – depending on the essential oil been put in the diffuser.

Different essential oils has their claims and aromatic scents, Example; Lavender essential oil is said to support sleep, reduces anxiety and calms the mind. While
Eucalyptus essential oil relieves respiratory issues and cold.

The diffuser device is just meant to disperse the aromatic essential oil into the air, while the essential oil does its job.
Scents have been well known for its strong association with retentive memory. According to a wellness expert Esme Benjamin. “When I diffuse lemongrass oil it reminds me of Thailand, my happy place, and I instantly feel a vacation level chill come over me. Oils just set a tone for your space and the activity you’re performing that day”.

Essential Oil Diffuser.

Just a few drops of your favorite essential oil into a diffuser, and suddenly, your home feels like it has transformed into some all-mighty, deeply therapeutic sanctuary brought down from heaven to earth. 🙂

Asides using some essential oils for tackling acne and stretch marks, some essential oils also possesses strong aromatic scent which goes into the air to deliver a distinctive pleasant smell.

Using a diffuser gives you an instant effect because the essential oils will get to work straight away,” says Jo Kellett, a member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists and the in-house aromatherapist for Tisserand Aromatherapy.

Essential oil diffuser

Further more Benjamin adds “Diffusing oil as a daily ritual can help encourage good habits associated with particular scents. For example, using lavender oil when I get home from work has become a signal it’s time to start winding down, get off technology, run a bath, read a book, and so on.” 

Types Of Essential Oil Diffusers.

There are four major types of essential oil diffusers in the market, with different intensity of effect and features.

1. Nebulizing Diffusers: These are types of oil diffusers which uses 100% pure essential oils (without water).
Nebulizing diffusers don’t use water. Instead, you fill them with essential oil.

Water is generally not poured directly into its reservoir. So, it emits a pure mist of the oil fragrance, which is the extremely potent essence of the plants. Furthermore, the mist created doesn’t affect the moisture levels in your space. The particles are ultra-fine, and they stay suspended in the air for quite some time before really fizzling out.

2. Ultrasonic or Humidifying Diffusers: These types of oil diffusers are known to break up oil molecules to create a fine mist. Therefore the essential oils must be diluted in water before putting in Ultrasonic or Humidifying Diffusers, then a disk inside the device vibrates and agitates the water, causing the oil to break into tiny particles and then dispersed into a fine mist while simultaneously humidifying the air.

3. Evaporative Diffusers: These types of diffusers has a small fan inside them which turn oil to gas, the fan generates wind causing the essential oil to evaporate into the air by distributing the oils throughout the room. However it is said that, as the oil evaporates, it loses some of its potency. So, this is a good choice for people who want a quick, occasional aromatic sensation.

4. Heat or Electric Diffusers: These are types of oil diffusers which uses heat to turn essential oils into gas instead of fan.
These type of oil diffusers uses warmth to evaporate essential oils into the air. The mostly use electricity or they make use of a candle that heats a reservoir of oil from below.

So…., What Are The Benefits of Essential Oil Diffusers?

They Break Down Essential Oils & Spreads Them Into The Air.

Like we stated earlier, diffusers breaks down essential oils in to molecules and disperse them into the air, which releases the aromatic pleasant scent of the essence oil and purifies the air which in turn helps makes breathing easier and promote overall health and well-being, this is simply because “Many essential oils have reputed medicinal or therapeutic uses, like eucalyptus for colds and respiratory issues,” says Benjamin. 

Other essential oils helps with stress relief, help relieve anxiety and Improve sleep because of their relaxing properties that can help people of all ages fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly like a baby.

They Release Purified Essential Oil In The Air.

Oil diffusers release purified molecules into your air that work to purify and freshen it, and not overload it with unhealthy chemicals. Unlike candles or air fresheners. Plus, they contain the added feature of interchangeability, which means you change oil types for different scents and health benefits.

3. Mosquito Repellant.

Mosquitoes are annoying and nobody like them. Scientists have shown that essential oil diffusers can be used as a safe and highly effective mosquito repellant. Studies have shown that a diffused oil mixture containing clove essential oil and lemongrass essential oil repelled one type of Zika-carrying mosquito, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, at a rate of 100%.

How To Clean Your Essential Oil Diffuser.

Well, it may be challenging to clean your oil diffuser on regular basis, but it’s very important you do it and don’t worry you’ll surely get used to it.

Although, not all essential oil diffusers are the same which makes cleaning recommendations and steps vary depending on which diffuser you use. It’s always important to read your diffuser’s manual before you start its operation, just so that you know what you need to do to maintain its best functionality and most effective diffusing of aromatherapy.

Note: Always make sure your essential oil diffuser is unplugged from its power source before attempting to clean it.

Below is a guide on how to properly clean your essential oil diffuser.

  • Step 1: Fill your diffuser about half way with clean water. Make sure you stop well below the max line.
  • Step 2: Add up to 10 drops of pure white vinegar. This will help in removing the oils that are stuck inside the diffuser and on the glass or plastic pieces.
  • Step 3: Let the diffuser run for about 3-5 minutes to allow the water-vinegar mixture to disperse throughout the unit and clean it. This will ensure that your oil diffuser is properly cleaned.
  • Step 4: Drain the diffuser completely.
  • Step 5: Using a cotton swab dipped in vinegar, clean the tight spots and corners of the diffuser to make sure that no spots are left dirty. You can repeat this process till your diffuser is clean.
  • Step 6: Rinse with clean water & Empty again and you’re good to go.
  • Step 7: Use a dry cloth, or more cotton swabs or cotton balls to wipe the diffuser and dry it thoroughly.

Essential Oil Diffuser Safety Tips.


Before using essential oil diffusers there are some precautionary measure you have to take to ensure you do it sensibly and not over do it.

  • Before diffusing any essential oil be sure you know well about the safety precautions associated with each essential oil that you use.
  • Essential oils are highly concentrated. They should not be continuously diffused. Be sure you are diffusing in a well ventilated space.
  • Ensure you heed to the instructions that came with your particular type of diffuser. Do not exceed to amount of essential oil recommended for your particular diffuser.
  • If diffusing around cats and other pets, be sure they are comfortable with the scents, if not, allow them to leave the area if they need to.
  • Diffusing in public areas such as class rooms, offices etc can be potentially risky or unsafe, this is because some essential oil have the potential to worsen particular medical conditions. Everyone is different, as diffusing in public areas can pose a well-being risk for individuals who have conditions in which particular essential oils are contraindicated.

“It is not advisable to directly and intensively inhale essential oils for longer than 15-20 minutes, such as with steam inhalation. However, this does not apply to ambient inhalation from essential oils vaporized into the air. If you are diffusing essential oils, it makes more sense to do this intermittently than constantly, all day long. Ideally, diffuse essential oils for 30-60 minutes on, then 30-60 minutes off. This is not only safer, but it’s also more effective as both our bodies and our nervous system habituate to essential oils after this period of time. Whenever you are using or diffusing essential oils, some air exchange (fresh air) is advisable.”

Possible Questions & Answers.

Q: What is Aromatherapy?

A: Aromatherapy, also called essential oil therapy is a traditional treatment that uses natural plant extracts such as essential oils to promote health and well-being.

Q: Are essential oil diffusers healthy?

A: In general, diffusing essential oils into the air is safer than using them directly on the skin (undiluted)
Like we stated earlier, never diffuse them in classrooms or in public spaces.

Q: Is it OK to leave a diffuser on all night?

A: Leaving your oil diffuser on overnight would mean being exposed to it for 5 to 8 hours, which is considered to be too long.

Q: How many drops of essential oil do i drop in a diffuser?

A: Diffusers do come in different sizes, but these are usually in 100ml increments, and therefore calculating the number of drops of essential oil to add is relatively easy. The smallest, 100ml diffusers will take 3-5 drops on average, while the largest, 500ml diffusers will require 15-20 drops.

Q: Where should a diffuser be placed in a bedroom?

A: You can place them on the floor. You can as well place your diffuser a few feet from your bed.

Q: How long should you run a diffuser?

A: On average, experts recommend diffusing essential oils for up to 20 minutes at a time, if you’re in a small to medium size room. If you’re trying to fill a larger space with your diffuser, you’re going to have to let it run for longer.

Q: Can too much essential oils be harmful?

A: Yes!. Even when diluted, an essential oil can cause a bad reaction if you use too much or use it too often. Even if you’re not allergic or unusually sensitive to them. So Don’t overdo it. To much of good thing isn’t always good.

Q: Can an asthmatic patient use essential oil diffusers?

A: No!. Essential oil diffusers may release volatile organic compounds, which can worsen asthma symptoms and might trigger an attack.
Although, essential oils are widely considered safe, but we advise you should speak with your doctor to make sure you don’t have an allergy.

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